APEX - Grab value from Shuttle and put it into Textarea with carriage return

December 17, 2013

In some design, you may require to grab the value from Shuttle and put those value into a new Textarea or even in email HTML template. How am I going to do that?

What you need is a new Textarea so that the values you about to grab will be put inside. Lets put the Shuttle as P1001_X and assume the new Textarea as P1001_TXTAREA.

One solution can be used is a Computations (After Submit). You need to right click the Computations > Create > Item on This Page. Fill in those required value in that form and select [Item Value] in the Computation Type. In Computations field, put below code:
:P1001_TXTAREA := REPLACE( :P1001_X , ':', (chr(13)||chr(10)) );
What above code will do is it will grab each value from Shuttle, together with new line feed and carriage return.

chr(13) : Carriage Return
chr(10) : New Line Fees

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